Memorial Cat Hospital in Houston Texas
Behavioral Medicine
At Memorial Cat Hospital we know you love your cat and only want the best in their physical and behavioral health.

When it comes to things like scratching furniture, inappropriate urination, aggression between housemates, and other behavioral issues, it can be easy to become overwhelmed.
Behavior issues in cats are generally not abnormal behaviors for your cat. He or she is often behaving as a cat is supposed to behave! Sometimes however, these natural behaviors do not work well in the household and the need for behavior or environmental modifications arises. Understanding normal feline behavior can go a long way towards helping owners manage behavior issues in the household.
Problem behaviors or changes in the behavior can also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, so be certain to have your cat examined. An appointment and consultation with one of our veterinarians will help determine if the problem is medical or behavioral and identify the actions you can take to help resolve the issues.
Our veterinarians will help you discover the steps and actions you can take to help your cat lead a happier, more balanced life. Click through the article(s) listed below to learn more about common behavioral issues your cat may be displaying.
View our PDF's below for more information on these related topics: